Lunedì 3/02
Squat snatch
every 2’30” x2 round
2 hang p snatch + 1 hang s snatch (70%)
Every 2’30” x2 round
2 hang p snatch + 1 hang s snatch
below knee (75%)
every 2’30” x 2 round
3 squat snatch (80%)
2 rft
18 ttb
15mt lunges front rack (22,5/15)
9 burpee over line back step
3 complex db (1 devil press + 1 thruster)
9 burpee over line back step
15mt lunges front rack
cap time 18’
Martedi 4/02
-Bench press work-
every 4’x4 round
5 bench press 70%
30” rest
5 strict pull up
30” rest
7 dip strict horn
-Skill rope climb (1o’)-
or Emom 10’ (1 rope climb + 1 leg less)
amrap 8’
12/9 cal row
42 double under
3 wall walk
6 deadlift (100/80k)
Mercoledì 5/2
-Push press-
Every 2’30” x2 round
2 push press + 1 push jerk 85%
every 2,30” x2 round
1 pp 1 pj 1 split 87%
every 2’30” x2 round
2 split 90%
-Front squat-
Every 2’30”x3 round
3 rep 75%
9-6-3 hang power snatch (60/40k)
10 ttb
10 hspu
Giovedi 6/2
-Clean and jerk-
every 2’30” x2 round
2 hang p cj + 1 hang s cj (70%)
Every 2’30” x2 round
2 hang p cj + 1 hang s cj
below knee (75%)
every 2’30” x 2 round
3 squat cj (80%)
3 round (6’on-3’off)
Cash in
4 bar mu
21 wall ball (9/6k)
3 bar mu
rest of time… max call ass bike
Venerdi 7/2
every 3’x 5 round
3 rep (no tng) 85%
2 rep (no tng) 87%
1 rep (no tng) 90%
2 rep (no tng) 87%
1 rep (no tng) 90%
Every 2′ x 9 interval
- max mt row
- 40 du + 15 american swing (32/24k)
- rest
Sabato 8/2
Team wod